Tuesday, November 13, 2018

The Greatest Tonic in All the World

Gather around one and all. I am going to tell you about a revolutionary product. A tonic of sorts. One that does not have any proven negative affects or undesirable ramifications on a person's physical, mental or emotional health. A tonic that will improve your physical health by burning calories, improving heart health, decreases pain, boost your immunity and anti-aging hormones to slow the signs of aging. A tonic that will also reduce stress, improve your mood, ease anxiety and tension, and enhance your creativity. In fact, studies have shown that frequent daily doses of this tonic will promote stronger relationships, attract people of influence to your inner circle and may even extend your life. 

Would you take this tonic? If your family, your job or your life depended upon it, would you cash in your life savings to purchase this tonic? Well, I have great news for you....it's FREE. That's right, this life saving tonic is yours for free. You have access to it whenever you want, wherever you want and can use it all hours of the day and night. It's legal in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Russia, China, Australia, Korea, Turkey, Yemen...well, all over the world. You don't have to declare it at the border or worry about law enforcement conducting a raid on your home. This life changing tonic has been yours since birth and you will never lose until the day you die. 

You may be asking, what is it? I want it! I'm sold....TELL ME. What is this amazing tonic? My friends, it is laughter. 

We have all been given the ability to smile and to laugh since the day we were born and our ability to laugh will end the day we die. It chases depression and anxiety out of the room. It gives your internal organs a work out and turns a cloud day until sunshine and rainbows. Our funny stories leave a legacy for our loved ones to laugh after we are gone. 

I want to leave you all with a choice. A choice to take daily doses of laughter. We guarantee it will change your life.  Follow the conversation on our various social media accounts, FacebookTwitter and Instagram or comment below to tell us what choice you made and how it is changing your life. 

In the words of Charlie Chaplin, "Laughter is the tonic, the relief, the surcease for pain".

1 comment:

  1. Thinking in to this more deeply, this is a very good read too cheer someone up.


Thank you and Good Night

This purpose of this blog was to teach me about the power of blogging during my enrollment of a digital marketing course at Chippewa Valley ...