Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Watch What You Say, Someone Is Listening

During times of national crisis, governments promote messages to keep your lips closed because you never knew who was listening. Your neighbor could be a German spy or your co-worker could be a Russian operative. The lives of soldiers and civilians defending a country from aggressors were at stake. Life and death hung in the balance of a casual comment. 

Times have changed. Espionage novels, movies, the internet and 24 hour news channels has changed the landscape of warfare. But, what hasn't changed is the war for our minds by the words we use. 

Words have power. Words have meaning. 

Researchers have discovered the words a parent speaks to their children during the formative years of their life develop into their personality, affects their level of self-confidence and determines their future. A parent who tells a child they are stupid, an idiot, won't amount to anything, or are a mistake will suffer from learning disabilities, depression, anxiety, have a low self-esteem, and will not achieve the greatness they were created for. But in contrast, a parent who pours loving, encouraging, motivating and kind words into the life of a child, builds confidence, independence, positive attitude, and a belief in their abilities. 

The words a child hears will become the dialogue of their inner voice. The inner voice that follows them into school, into adulthood, into relationships, and into the workplace. They are the words they speak in their thoughts, say out loud and manifest into their life.  

What words were spoken over you? Were they positive or negative? What are the words you speak over yourself? Are they negative or positive? What words do you speak over your loved ones? We all have the opportunity and power to lift someone up or tear them down. It's time for a shift. A shift in your thinking, a shift in your words. 

We would love to hear your opinion. Let us know what you think below. 


  1. Who proofs your postings???? How elementary your headline is missing the word You. Get with the program.

  2. We are sorry, this is not how we want to represent ourselves. Corrections have been made. Please contact Jenny at 867-5309 for additional concerns. We appreciate your feedback in that it will improve our services.


Thank you and Good Night

This purpose of this blog was to teach me about the power of blogging during my enrollment of a digital marketing course at Chippewa Valley ...