Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Your Thoughts Determine Your Life

Since we were born, words have been spoken over us. These words developed our thoughts about ourselves and other people. They are the foundation stones of our values, character and behavior. Author James Allen wrote in his 1902 book, As a Man Thinketh, “Each of us is literally what we think.” Our thoughts define who we are, what accomplish, how we react to circumstances, our health and body. 

Thought seeds have been scattered in our minds and hearts throughout our lifetime. Everyone we come in contact with are the planters gardeners who have spread and plant the seeds. Yet, we are the designers and creators who get to choose which seed takes root.

As all plants grow, shallow roots begin under the earth before we even see the leaves begin to grow. Seeds of praise, encouragement, and kindness produce self-confidence, can do attitude and a positive outlook on life. These are seeds we want to nurture, water, speak over and take care of. The harsh words of a bully, the betrayal of a good friend, the rejection by a parent, or lies people tell and say about us are bad seeds that produce a shame based, guilty and bitter outlook on life. These lies of destruction, darkness and despair need to be pulled out and burned with the rest of the trash in our life.

What happens if we decide to weed the garden of our mind and heart? What if we are honest with ourselves? What if we chose to repeat and believe the encouraging words good gardeners have spoken over us? I say, it would change our lives, it would set us free, and allow us to be who we were created to be. 

So, forgive the people who have said hurtful words or committed a wrong to you. Remember, as a man thinks, so he becomes. Who do you want to become?

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