Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Thank you and Good Night

This purpose of this blog was to teach me about the power of blogging during my enrollment of a digital marketing course at Chippewa Valley Technical College. For the past 10 weeks, I have been share ideas, thoughts, issues and learned about a variety of challenges foster youth and loving foster parents go through on a daily basis. Foster youth have been dealt a hand of cards that they had no control over. From neglect and rejection to physical, emotional and sexual abuse, foster youth deserve respect, love and a forever home where they feel safe. 

The topics from suicide prevention, bullying power words and thoughts, adoption, LGBTQ considerations to mentorship and laughter have given me a greater sense of compassion to hurting people. I learned blogging is a powerful tool to express one's opinions, showcase one's interest and hobbies, and share their expertise in a subject matter. 

As I bring this account to a close, I want to thank everyone for taking the time to read my blog. To allow me to share a little bit of myself by talking about topics that are important. Words have meaning. Hurting people hurt people. If you are on the receiving end of hurtful words, do yourself a favor and forgive. God bless and happy holidays. 

Robin Johnson

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Laughter is the best medicine


Laughter is the best medicine when are feeling down, hurting or regretting decisions we made or the words we used. We need to re-read the childhood chapter of our life story to remember how laugh in order to make miracles happen in our own life. We also shared the story of the winner of our 2018 Be The Miracle Sweepstakes. Visit our SoundCloud page for this podcast.  

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

The Greatest Tonic in All the World

Gather around one and all. I am going to tell you about a revolutionary product. A tonic of sorts. One that does not have any proven negative affects or undesirable ramifications on a person's physical, mental or emotional health. A tonic that will improve your physical health by burning calories, improving heart health, decreases pain, boost your immunity and anti-aging hormones to slow the signs of aging. A tonic that will also reduce stress, improve your mood, ease anxiety and tension, and enhance your creativity. In fact, studies have shown that frequent daily doses of this tonic will promote stronger relationships, attract people of influence to your inner circle and may even extend your life. 

Would you take this tonic? If your family, your job or your life depended upon it, would you cash in your life savings to purchase this tonic? Well, I have great news for's FREE. That's right, this life saving tonic is yours for free. You have access to it whenever you want, wherever you want and can use it all hours of the day and night. It's legal in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Russia, China, Australia, Korea, Turkey, Yemen...well, all over the world. You don't have to declare it at the border or worry about law enforcement conducting a raid on your home. This life changing tonic has been yours since birth and you will never lose until the day you die. 

You may be asking, what is it? I want it! I'm sold....TELL ME. What is this amazing tonic? My friends, it is laughter. 

We have all been given the ability to smile and to laugh since the day we were born and our ability to laugh will end the day we die. It chases depression and anxiety out of the room. It gives your internal organs a work out and turns a cloud day until sunshine and rainbows. Our funny stories leave a legacy for our loved ones to laugh after we are gone. 

I want to leave you all with a choice. A choice to take daily doses of laughter. We guarantee it will change your life.  Follow the conversation on our various social media accounts, FacebookTwitter and Instagram or comment below to tell us what choice you made and how it is changing your life. 

In the words of Charlie Chaplin, "Laughter is the tonic, the relief, the surcease for pain".

Saturday, November 10, 2018

#BeAMentor....Make Miracles Happen

A mentor is a very important person someone can have to help challenge and encourage us to be the best we can be. Check out this video from YouTube to learn how one chef likes to give by back exposing young chefs to a new world of food.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

One of the most important relationships....Mentorship

Mentors fulfill a critical role in someone's life. Starting at a young age, a mentor is able to help a child build self-confidence, self esteem, give permission to a child to dream, and help close the social and/or economic opportunity gap. In the workplace, a mentor challenges an inexperienced worker, setting them on the course to climb the corporate ladder. In a personal relationship, a mentor can improve someone's quality of life by developing and inspiring an area of interest.

A mentor is able to see the potential a person may believe they don't have. The encouragement and support a mentor provides allows a child to hope. Hope for a better future by overcoming their circumstances, refusing to believe the unkind and angry lies spoken over them. An employee is given the keys to unlock their potential to achieve goals and career success. A person is able to used the knowledge and wisdom of a mentor to change the world for the better.

There are also many benefits for the mentor. Their confidence as a subject matter expect increases, they are motivated to share their knowledge and create a legacy by planting seeds of greatness into the heart of a younger person. They have the reassurance the time they were given on this earth made an impact. It is like the butterfly effect. One small action will have enormous consequences. 

This sounds great. You're sold, you want to be mentored by someone or you want to be a mentor. Follow the conversation on this week on our various social media accounts, FacebookTwitter and Instagram

Thursday, November 1, 2018

We Shared Their Love And Home, Now We Share Their Last Name

There are over 100,000 children and teens in the United States foster care system who are waiting for a loving home where they can grow to be unique and exceptional person they were created to be. Sub-Saharan Africa, Asian and Latin American have the world's highest rate of orphaned children. Children entered the foster care system through no fault of their own, whether it be from the loss of a parent, neglect, abuse or abandonment. Everyone created is destined for greatness. Children in foster care only need the love and security that a permanent home provides to give them a chance to shine. 

According to the Donaldson Adoption Institute, about 40% of all US adults have considered adoption at one time in their lives. There are many hopeful parents who want to grow their family through adoption. Unmarried couples, LBGTQ couples, women facing infertility and families who have an abundance of love to share anxiously await a call from an adoption agency notifying them they have been chosen by a birth mother. 

November is National Adoption Month and we, at Miracle Mission, want to celebrate those individuals who have become miracle makers for children around the world. Whether it be birth mothers who have unselfishly decided adoption was the best chance for their child, or parents who have filled out mountains of paperwork, given their time, energy and financial resources to meet pre-screening requirements and have been granted approval to adopt, or the adoption agency workers across the world, we stand with you to and fully support your dream.  

We will be posting information on the need for adoption this week on our various social media accounts, FacebookTwitter and Instagram. Follow the conversation.  

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Erasing the Lines in the Sand: All Foster Children Need a Loving Home with Loving Parents

My topic this week is to focus on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) youth and the foster care system. As I researched this topic, I found myself to be a bit unqualified to discuss a big topic in a short blog. I find myself unable to effectively communicate the sadness I have for the challenges of LGBTQ youth in the foster care system and LGBT parents who want to create or expand their family by adoption through foster care. 

Facts found online suggested LGBTQ youth are anywhere from two to eight times more likely to attempt suicide, three to eight times as likely to use drugs and six times as likely to experience depression. Many are likely to be forced out of their homes after disclosing their LGBTQ status to parents or foster parents. They are two times more likely to be threatened or injured, two times more likely to skip school, experience some form of anti-LGBTQ bias and bullying in foster care placement and schools, and experience prejudicial treatment than than their heterosexual peers. These facts are horrifying!

Many state agencies refuse to represent same-sex adoptive couples and they are often at the bottom of the list of homes for potential child placement. Recently, the City of Philadelphia was asked, in a court action, by Catholic Social Services (CSS) to refuse recruitment and licensing of same-sex couples seeking to foster children in need of a loving home for children in CSS's foster care program. 

There is a disproportionately number of youth in foster care who identify themselves LGBTQ. Many foster parents don't want to give or have the skills to provide a loving, accepting and understanding home for children who are going through the process of acknowledging their sexual orientation/gender identity. Isn't it about time society stands up again biases and prejudices to provide hurting children a safe home with unconditional loving and accepting parents, no matter their sexual orientation? 

We will be posting many challenges LGBTQ youth and foster parents experience this week on our various social media accounts, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Follow the conversation.  

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Watch What You Say, Someone Is Listening

During times of national crisis, governments promote messages to keep your lips closed because you never knew who was listening. Your neighbor could be a German spy or your co-worker could be a Russian operative. The lives of soldiers and civilians defending a country from aggressors were at stake. Life and death hung in the balance of a casual comment. 

Times have changed. Espionage novels, movies, the internet and 24 hour news channels has changed the landscape of warfare. But, what hasn't changed is the war for our minds by the words we use. 

Words have power. Words have meaning. 

Researchers have discovered the words a parent speaks to their children during the formative years of their life develop into their personality, affects their level of self-confidence and determines their future. A parent who tells a child they are stupid, an idiot, won't amount to anything, or are a mistake will suffer from learning disabilities, depression, anxiety, have a low self-esteem, and will not achieve the greatness they were created for. But in contrast, a parent who pours loving, encouraging, motivating and kind words into the life of a child, builds confidence, independence, positive attitude, and a belief in their abilities. 

The words a child hears will become the dialogue of their inner voice. The inner voice that follows them into school, into adulthood, into relationships, and into the workplace. They are the words they speak in their thoughts, say out loud and manifest into their life.  

What words were spoken over you? Were they positive or negative? What are the words you speak over yourself? Are they negative or positive? What words do you speak over your loved ones? We all have the opportunity and power to lift someone up or tear them down. It's time for a shift. A shift in your thinking, a shift in your words. 

We would love to hear your opinion. Let us know what you think below. 

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life

We are very pleased to have had to chance to sit down with Life Coach Mark Johnson to end our week on Power Thoughts. Mark had a foundation shaking event in his life about 11 years ago when his daughter when to be with the Lord. He explains how he was able to over come this challenge by choosing his thoughts. Visit our SoundCloud page for this podcast.  

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Your Thoughts Determine Your Life

Since we were born, words have been spoken over us. These words developed our thoughts about ourselves and other people. They are the foundation stones of our values, character and behavior. Author James Allen wrote in his 1902 book, As a Man Thinketh, “Each of us is literally what we think.” Our thoughts define who we are, what accomplish, how we react to circumstances, our health and body. 

Thought seeds have been scattered in our minds and hearts throughout our lifetime. Everyone we come in contact with are the planters gardeners who have spread and plant the seeds. Yet, we are the designers and creators who get to choose which seed takes root.

As all plants grow, shallow roots begin under the earth before we even see the leaves begin to grow. Seeds of praise, encouragement, and kindness produce self-confidence, can do attitude and a positive outlook on life. These are seeds we want to nurture, water, speak over and take care of. The harsh words of a bully, the betrayal of a good friend, the rejection by a parent, or lies people tell and say about us are bad seeds that produce a shame based, guilty and bitter outlook on life. These lies of destruction, darkness and despair need to be pulled out and burned with the rest of the trash in our life.

What happens if we decide to weed the garden of our mind and heart? What if we are honest with ourselves? What if we chose to repeat and believe the encouraging words good gardeners have spoken over us? I say, it would change our lives, it would set us free, and allow us to be who we were created to be. 

So, forgive the people who have said hurtful words or committed a wrong to you. Remember, as a man thinks, so he becomes. Who do you want to become?

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Don't Suffer Bullying in Silence

We are honored to have had the opportunity to produce this video to bring awareness to National Bullying Prevention Month to our subscribers. Millions of people worldwide suffer in silence as they are bullied on a daily basis. Exclusion, name calling, physical or verbal abuse and school, work or at home. It must stop. Stand up, be counted, be the miracle.

Let us know what you think.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Bullying: A Lifelong Epidemic

When people think of bullies, an image of a middle school boy with a gang of followers come to mind. Similar to the scene in the 1983 film, A Christmas Story. The 1940s reflection of an American boy's dream of owning a Red Ryder BB gun as the perfect Christmas gift, depicts what many believe bullies act like. Ralphie, his brother, and friends were always on the look out and running away from Scut Farkus, with "his yellow eyes and signature coonskin cap", with Grover Dill in tow. Laughing, teasing, taunting, throwing snowballs, and making them say "uncle" to stop being punched. This film had a redeeming moment when Ralphie could no longer take abuse and turned the tables on Scut. But not every bullying situation resolves with the bully being defeated. 

Bullying is an all to common behavior in youth, but unfortunately it does not end when students cross the high school graduation stage. Bullying rears its ugly head in college class rooms when one student degrades, smirks and laughs a fellow classmate's opinion or answer to a question. It shows up in office settings when one co-worker repeatedly and persistently humiliates another in a power struggle for career advancement. It is present at the negotiation table with world leaders throughout the world. 

Bullying generally starts in the home, when a parent or family exerts their authority or gets what they want out of children by threats and violent intimidation. Comments such as "Shut up before I slap you", "You're so stupid" or "You'll never been good enough". Children learn behaviors by example and experience, therefore bullying in the home sets them on a damaged road into adulthood. Bullying creates a negative outlook on life. It leads to depression, helplessness, damaged self-esteem, and threat of emotional and physical health.  

Bullying touches every geographic location and demographics across the board, from age, gender, sexual orientation, religion, social, and economic standing. What would happen if a brave soul saw someone being bullied would step up, and speak out against the bully? What if someone offered a comforting word, showed a small act of kindness or became a friend to the victim? What if we said "ENOUGH"?

Tell us what your thoughts on bullying are.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Decide Your Legacy

Fall is a time for reflection, focus and change. We, in the northern hemisphere, are entering the season where nights are longer and the days are shorter. We sense a shift in our life in preparation for what is to come....WINTER, but we are not going to think about that right now. What I want you to consider, and help you decided, is the legacy you want to leave. 

Whether you are aware of it or not, each of us, not just the well-known, the wealthy or the celebrities, creates legacies with every single action we take and word we say. At some point in our lives, we reach a moment where we wonder what our purpose is. Did we help others in a way no one else can? Have we improved someone's life from the encouragement we gave them to strive for more than they image? Have we affected our environment in a positive way for future generations? 

As parents, we hope the lessons we taught our children will resonate to future branches of our family tree. As teachers, we hope the creative way we taught classes reached the depths of a student's mind, leading them on an amazing career path. As business leaders, we hope our business values and organizational philosophies are evergreen, leading to the ongoing success of the company we led. As a human beings, we hope we left the world a better place than when we entered it. 

Have you taken any time to consider the legacy you will leave? Have you ever wondered what people will say at your funeral? If not, I encourage you to find out what moves you, what breaks your heart, what you are passionate about, or even what may make you angry, and do something about it. 

You don't have to be Oprah or Ellen to leave a legacy. Simplistic kindness, small acts of generosity, or being present with someone has more impact on future generations than celebrity status. You are in a position to determine outcomes to the powerless and voiceless, and we at Miracle Missions are in a position to help you. 

Remember, the true measure of a person's life is not the amount of money we amass, but the mass of lives we change. 

Monday, September 17, 2018

Be Someone's Light

In September, many are preparing for fall events around the world. Albuquerque, New Mexico will be launching hundreds of hot air balloons, Germans will be are getting ready to celebrate Oktoberfest and the Hindu world will be launching paper lanterns in celebration of light's power over darkness. Yet, our news has been full of images and stories of the devastation occurring from Hurricane Florence in United States, and Typhoon Mangkhut in the Philippines and China. Millions of people have been evacuated, homes and businesses have been destroyed, thousands have been without water and electricity, and many people have been injured, and some have died due to the inability of medical and rescue personnel to reach them. 

September is also National Suicide Awareness Month. Natural disasters leave many children stranded or orphaned, resulting into the entry of the foster care system. Children are lonely, grieving the loss of their parent(s), suffer from depression, and may not see any reason to live. The National Center for Prevention of Youth Suicide reports suicide is the second leading cause of young people between the ages of 10 and 24. It goes on to report foster youths are 3-5 times more likely to commit suicide than same age peers, and two and a half times more likely to think about possibly committing suicide, and four times more likely to make suicide attempt. 

World events, natural disasters, and the report from The National Center for Prevention of Youth Suicide may leave us feeling insignificant to offer assistance to hurting people, but here is something we all can do. The smallest gesture can make a huge difference. Speak a kind word, give someone a smile, lend a helping hand or make time to listen when someone asks. The encouragement you give someone today may save their life. Let your light shine in the darkness of loneliness, hopelessness, depression, and all their other evil friends. 

National Suicide Prevention Hotline 1-800-273-8255 

Friday, September 14, 2018

Calling all Want-to-be Miracle Makers

In our first post, I want to tell you a little about us and what we do. We are an inclusive faith based non-profit organization whose mission is to make miracles happen for foster children and foster parents throughout the world. We do this by inspiring, encouraging and influencing foster children to overcome their circumstances, giving them hope to achieve the greatness they were destined for. Our Miracle Makers are ordinary people who share their skills, knowledge and expertise to foster children who dream of becoming extraordinary change makers in our world. 

Sadly, there are many children who are hurting from fear, rejections, abuse, neglect and many other heart wrenching causes. Many feel as if they are alone in the world, they are unwanted, they are a mistake, and they don't have a future. These debilitating feelings are huge barriers for them to overcome, but our Miracle Makers plant seeds of optimism, confidence, and ambition in the hearts of foster children. They turn frowns into smiles, devastation into new beginnings. 

In our weekly blog posts, you will read various accounts of how we achieve our mission. Some will feature our Miracle Makers, some will be informational and educational, and some will focus on our foster kids and foster parents. A word of caution, some stories may make you sad, bringing tears to your eyes, but these are real situations that kids in our world deal with everyday. But not to worry, each sad story will have a happy ending and your tears of sadness will turn into tears of joy when you see the smiles on the faces of children who have been inspired and encouraged by your participation in our mission. We invite you on an amazing journey! 

Thank you and Good Night

This purpose of this blog was to teach me about the power of blogging during my enrollment of a digital marketing course at Chippewa Valley ...